Postpartum Mama Care: For AFTER Baby Arrives!

I would like to state acknowledgment that I may receive compensation or complementary products/services for this post and/or it includes affiliate links. Every single thought and opinion is completely my own. I have never, and will never share anything that we as a family don’t personally use or that I don’t stand behind fully. If you would like more information you can visit my full disclosure page: Read More Here.

Welp-  I am here to run around target with you babe. Let’s make that postpartum mama care kit! I just did the exact same trip- and let me tell you… its rough. There is nothing worse than wandering around a store late in your pregnancy and picking up items that are only reminding you the delivery you’re about to endure… and that everything you’re buying will likely end up soaked in blood and thrown away.


It will be so helpful and make this chapter that much easier! Especially since you’re a super mom! You’re having a baby. You deserve only the best postpartum care and recovery.

Hopefully I can help shed some light on the topics and share what has truly been essential as I prep the second time around… while chasing my tornado toddler.

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Let’s get this postpartum mama care party started

Pregnancy is spread over 9 months- and split into 3 trimesters! But no one really mentions the 4th trimester: Once Baby joins us!

Trimester Four

Directly Following Birth

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There was no warning my first go around how thirsty you will be during and after delivery. Even with an IV I was still chugging cup after cup of water- I can’t even explain it. Once we got home, and we started nursing it was like I could never quench the thirst. So I definitely recommend a huge tumbler that will keep your water cold. Simply Modern are my favvvv and I take them with me everywhere!!

Stretch Marks: You love them… but you also hate them.

I know I was “blessed” if you will, to only accumulate a few tiger stripes low low on my belly after baby dropped. I have been using Bio Oil on my belly this pregnancy and I couldnt be happier with how soft and moisturized my skin has been on the daily! Even with the marks- I am loving this belly and how much it has changes to grow this little human!

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DIY Pad-sicles

You will love them- and you will thank me later!

There will be no better feeling than the cooling sensation of an icy cold aloe/witch hazel soaked pad in your super attractive adult diapers after delivery!

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Lady Bits Care

No the adult diapers aren’t the most glam- but they will be so incredibly helpful.

First and foremost, finding a cheap bundle package of unimportant underwear is top on the list. You will get blood on these- and they will be so much more comfortable than any cute lacy things you might normally wear! Embrace the “granny pantie” and toss them when you’re feeling more like yourself down there to wear your normal panties!

Adult diapers are never fabulous- but they work. I personally preferred the diapers to the mesh underwear the hospital provided, not needing to add a pad to the diapers took an extra step out! But I did add pad-sicles as needed! 

Tucks are an amazing little tub of goodness. The little round sheets are drenched in the witch hazel, and are perfect to just set on top of your pads to be the first thing your healing lady bits feel. I moved to using the tucks after I had a little bit of recovery under me and the pad-sicles were gone!

Last but very not least is the Peri Bottle by Frida Mom. My hospital did provide me with a Peri bottle- but I hated it and I never felt it reached where I needed it to. The Frida Mom bottle has the perfect angle to get all the places that you don’t want to rub (or pat) with TP while you heal up. Every little bit will be within reach- thank goodness!!

Alllll the stretchy waistbands for Postpartum Mama Care

One thing I reveled in during my first go round of postpartum mama care… was stretchy pants. I found the perfect pair of lounge pants, that didn’t look completely like pajamas… but in all intents and purposes were pajamas. Stretchy waist bands will be your very best friends! The most comfortable you dress around your shrinking uterus the happier you’ll both be!

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I did size up one to a large in the shorts. You will still look about 4-6 months pregnant the first couple weeks until your uterus shrinks back down completely and I wanted some extra room in the shorts!

I wear my true size medium in the lounge pants! Plenty of stretch!!

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Belly Band- the only reason I wore jeans during my pregnancy! And the only way you’ll see me wearing any pants that are supposed to button in the next 6-8 weeks.

Also helpful postpartum to hold everything in while healing-

but not in a waist-trainer ridiculous way that is completely miserable.

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For the Raging Milk Jugs

No matter if you decide to nurse or formula feed your babe… you will likely have some discomfort and leaking.

I personally used Lanolin more than any other product while nursing. Keeping your nipples from cracking and bleeding is hugely important. Huge Huge for your postpartum mama care! Sore nipples on top of everything else is just a lot. Sometimes it just cant be avoided, but applying after every feed or pumping session will help a ton!

You will also be leaking… and a lot. Every time sweet baby cries you’ll notice an ache and understand what I mean! Washable nursing pads to wear in your bra will help keep you from leaking through your tops- and be a little more earth conscious instead of using the one time use disposable ones! I throw the soaked pads into a wash/dry bag for my bras and that way they aren’t lost in the abyss that is our laundry! 

Milk catcher “pumps” are another awesome help during your postpartum mama care. When babe is nursing on one side, you use the suction feature on the other breast to catch any milk that would otherwise be lost into the breast pads. This will help you increase a milk stash, to use for milk baths or other helpful ways breast milk can be for your baby!

I found a mix of the two types of nursing bras to be most effective for us during my first pregnancy! One for daily wear and the other is perfect for overnights!

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The 3 pack of bras listed above are also what I use to be hands free while pumping!

Prenatals & Probiotics

…Shifting to Postnatals

The best investment I made in my pregnancy was in my supplements. I wanted to know exactly what I’m taking and what is being passed along to baby! Also giving him every bit of nutrition I can to help him grow big and strong!!

Finding what I felt was important, with complete help and guidance from my OB was so encouraging. Pregnant or postpa your health is incredibly important! Especially when it’s directly connected to a little bundle of joy.

Locating a prebiotic, probiotic, and folate was highest on the list. Then I learned what Magnesium does to help with digestion, regularity. Also with muscle function and the benefits it adds to lesser the chance of preterm contractions and labor!

As your little bun in the oven grows.. and gets bigger in your ever growing belly, things get a little cramped. When things get cramped in there- everything starts moving a little slower. Your step loses a little pep while baby will get less active with less room, but he will also camp out directly on your intestines and slow down your regularity!

All natural, plant based ingredients and vegetable based capsules caught my attention.

But the reviews and testimonies from other mamas are what sold me on the products!Pregn

I will be continueing my same routine while nursing, so this is a great explanation of my routine while I was expecting and moving forward into postpartum!

My Daily Routine:

Magnesium and Vitamin C supplement every morning, which keeps me regular and eases discomfort and bloating!

Every night I take a probiotic that helps keep my intestinal yeast in check and removes unwanted microbes. It also helps encourage deep sleep while it works its magic- YES PLEASE!

A daily Prebiotic that feeds my gut with healthy microbes, which in turn my probiotic eat. It also helps balance my hormones and regulate my blood sugar levels.

Lastly I make sure baby is getting everything he needs by taking a Fully Methylated Folate supplement. Folate is the all natural form of Folic Acid, which is synthetic. Methylated is a fun word that means its easily absorbed by your body FAST and passed along to baby quickly!

Thank goodness for supplements that will effectively work before, during and after your pregnancy!

I am happy to share more about my supplement routine and help answer any questions one-on-one if needed! You are always welcome to reach out over social, or you can email me directly here:

Most Importantly:

You will lose part of yourself in motherhood- if you’re pregnant for the first time or if you are just adding a new addition to your littles tribe.

There will be long nights, there will be little sleep. There will be plenty of tears to be had by you and that sweet babe you carry. You will look at your spouse and their insignificant nipples with hatred you didn’t know existed, because it was with love you both decided to bring this little one into this world, right??

What I want you to remember is that you are not alone- you are not in motherhood alone. You deserve a moment here and there to take care of you.

Take that shower alone when someone is offering to look over that babe. Wash your hair- accept the stupid casserole your MIL brings over and be thankful for a warm meal you didn’t have to prepare.

Ask to leave the house to pick up the grocery order alone. Make a pitstop at the coffee shop and splurge on a latte. Every once in a while, it will feel amazing to treat yourself and YOU DESERVE IT!!

When your spouse has nothing planned for an afternoon, leave the house and enjoy a stroll through target alone.

Self care is not selfish- especially for a postpartum mama!

Read a book while you’re breastfeeding. Listen to a podcast while you’re doing dishes! Put on some music and dance while you wrangle the tribe for bath time.

Do NOT Forget To Do What You Love. 

Don’t Forget Who YOU Are!
Taking care of YOU, Mama- is important too!

Mama- you are an absolute rockstar. There is magic happening inside that belly of yours, and you deserve to enjoy every moment that is ahead. The little person will change your entire world. And you deserve every ounce of love they have to give you!!

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today- I have so much fun doing this together. I may not have it all together… but together we have it all. Which goodie did you add to cart?? I would very much love to hear down below on how you’re feeling! How are you thriving in this season? When is your new bundle due? Let’s grab some tea and chat! I WANT to hear from you sweet friend! 

Thank you!!